Expert Advice on Identifying and Recruiting Top-Notch Speakers for Your Conference: 7 Strategies

A microphone in front of a city at night.

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Finding the ideal speaker for your conference can feel like a search for a needle in a haystack. It’s crucial, as top-notch speakers can transform an average event into an unforgettable experience.

This article offers seven expert strategies to identify and recruit speakers who will captivate and educate your audience. Read on to make your next conference the talk of the industry – let’s dive in!

Key Takeaways

  • Talk to industry experts on social media and inside groups to find good speakers. Watch what they say online and see who else joins the chat.
  • Ask people who went to your old events or other similar ones about great speakers they’ve seen. Look at videos from past conferences as well.
  • Invite speakers back who did a great job before. They can help bring in more people because they’re known for being good.
  • Contact groups that focus on your conference topic, like business associations. They know many experts and can suggest who might be a hit at your event.
  • Find out from your audience who they want to listen to by running polls or asking them directly. Use their ideas when planning whom to invite.

Strategies for Identifying Potential Speakers

A diverse group of professionals networking in a vibrant city setting.

Participate in industry communities and engage with thought leaders on social media to stay updated with the latest trends and identify potential speakers for your conference. Reviewing similar past events and their speakers can also provide valuable insights into relevant experts in your field.

Participate in industry communities

A group of professionals engaged in discussion at an industry forum.

Jump into industry forums and groups to discover professionals with valuable insights. These platforms are hotspots for engaging with people who bring a wealth of experience. They might just be the perfect fit for your event’s themes.

You’ll meet public speakers who already resonate with your target audience.

Connect on social media apps like LinkedIn to scout for speakers too. Here you can explore their past work, gauge their speaking style, and see how they engage audiences. It’s an efficient way to research potential candidates without leaving your desk.

Plus, you get a taste of their expertise before reaching out to them directly.

Engage with thought leaders on social media

Professionals networking in cityscape event, lively discussion, urban sophistication.

Reach out to thought leaders on platforms like LinkedIn. These are the experts who can help you find awesome speakers for your event. They know a lot about public speaking and often share valuable insights online.

Start conversations with them, share ideas, and get their advice. This could lead you to discover great keynote speakers who’ll really engage your audience.

Use social media to watch what these industry gurus are talking about. You might spot trends or popular topics that are perfect for your event theme. Follow their posts, comment with smart questions and add your own thoughts.

Don’t forget to look at who they’re interacting with too; this could expand your network of potential guest speakers even more!

Review similar past events and their speakers

Panel discussion at city conference with diverse speakers and audience.

Look back at past events that are like yours. See who spoke there and what topics they covered. Find out which speakers drew big crowds and got people excited. This research will give you a list of experts who could be perfect for your event.

It helps you understand the kind of speaker your audience wants.

Ask others in your industry about speakers they’ve seen or worked with. They can tell you who was great at engaging the crowd or bringing new ideas. Use the internet to watch videos from earlier conferences.

This way, you’ll get to see how speakers perform and connect with their audience before inviting them to your own event.

Approaches for Recruiting Keynote Speakers

A lively conference with diverse speakers and engaged audience.

Re-booking top performers from past events can help secure experienced and well-received speakers for your conference, while reaching out to industry associations can connect you with potential keynote speakers who are already established in your field.

Leveraging your audience for suggestions is also a strategic way to identify and recruit top-notch speakers for your conference.

Re-book top performers from past events

A panel of past event top performers captivates a vibrant audience.

Bring back your star speakers from previous events. They already understand the ropes and bring a proven track record of audience engagement. These top performers will likely draw in attendees again because they are known for their expertise and dynamic presentations.

Ask these veterans to share fresh insights or dive deeper into topics they’ve touched on before. Their continued involvement can create a sense of continuity for repeat participants and build strong brand loyalty for your conference series.

Remember to consider speaker fees in your budget, as popular speakers may charge more based on their past success at your event.

Reach out to industry associations

Diverse professionals networking at a cityscape industry event.

Industry associations are goldmines for finding keynote speakers. They can connect you with professionals who have the expertise and experience your event needs. These groups know their members’ strengths and can recommend speakers who are knowledgeable in specific areas, such as venture capital or bootstrapping.

You might find someone who’s an expert in using TikTok for business or a guru at creating magnetic landing pages.

Get to know the leaders within these associations through networking events. Show genuine interest in their work and share details about your conference’s themes and goals. This personal approach can make them more likely to help you out.

They could even spread the word amongst members, making it easier for you to secure top-notch speakers eager to share their insights on creative thinking, communication strategies, or new business models with your audience.

Leverage your audience for suggestions

A diverse group of professionals network on a rooftop with city skyline.

Ask your audience who they want to hear from at your event. They know what issues they are keen to learn about and which experts excite them the most. Use polls, social media, or email surveys to gather their opinions.

This technique turns attendees into part of the planning process and increases their interest in the event.

Reach out for speaker suggestions via online forums, virtual events platforms, or during networking sessions. Attendees often have connections with seasoned professionals who could be perfect for your conference theme.

Their recommendations can lead you to discover fresh talent and unique expertise that will add immense value to your program.

Promoting Your Conference to Attract Top-Notch Speakers and Attendees

Vibrant social media post promoting an urban conference event.

Promoting your conference starts with highlighting its unique event themes. Show off the innovative sessions and workshops that will spark interest from industry professionals. Create buzz with speaker expertise; potential speakers are drawn to events known for their high-quality content and engaged audiences.

Use social media platforms to share exciting details about the event, including keynote speeches, panel discussions, and networking opportunities. Engage actively with followers by listening to their expectations and incorporating their feedback into the planning process.

This approach shows that you value attendee input, making your conference more attractive to both speakers and participants.

For even wider reach, partner with associations or influencers in the field who can amplify your message. Their endorsement can boost credibility and attract both top-notch speakers looking for reputable platforms and attendees eager for quality experiences.

Encourage early registrations through discounts or special access features like meet-and-greets with keynotes. Highlight these perks online – they often motivate quick action from interested parties keen on getting the best deal or experience at your conference.


An empty conference hall with cityscape background, creating a sense of solitude.

In conclusion, finding top-notch speakers for your conference demands proactive engagement in industry communities and social media. Reaching out to past performers and leveraging audience suggestions are key approaches for recruiting keynote speakers.

By promoting your event effectively, you can attract both high-quality speakers and attendees. These strategies will help you secure top-notch speakers who not only inspire but also provide valuable knowledge to make your conference a success.

Discover further insights on how to effectively promote your conference and attract attendees, ensuring the presence of high-calibre delegates alongside distinguished speakers.


1. How do I know if a speaker is top-notch for my conference?

To spot a top-notch speaker, listen carefully to their previous talks. This practice, known as active listening, will show if they engage well with the audience and have expertise in their field.

2. Can crowdfunding help me get a great speaker for my event?

Indeed, crowdfunding can be a clever strategy to gather funds—allowing you to budget for an expert who may have higher fees but can add significant value to your event.

3. What’s the role of incubators in finding speakers?

Incubators, which support startups and entrepreneurs, can be goldmines for discovering fresh talent and innovative thinkers perfect for speaking at conferences.

4. Is it okay to recruit speakers from franchises?

Absolutely! Speakers from successful franchises often bring valuable insights on business growth and brand development that could greatly benefit attendees of your conference.

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